Patient Exam - Dental Checkup
A dental check-up and professional teeth cleaning every six months is essential to fighting off
decay, disease and infection. Some patients may be more susceptible to oral health problems than
others and require more frequent care. Patients considered to be at high-risk for developing
oral health problems may include smokers, patients exposed to high levels of stress, and
patients with diabetes.
Your dentist will evaluate your oral health during your dental examination and recommend a
certain length of time in between visits to best ensure your optimal oral health. The best
service we can provide to our patients is through routine dental examinations and preventative
care. By detecting any potential oral health issues early on, before they are allowed to
progress, save our patients time, money and unneccessary pain.
We are dedicated to providing every patient with the individualized care specifically tailored
to ensure their best oral health. Our office is a judgement-free zone that is primarily focused
on patient comfort. We take pride in providing excellent dental care that keeps our patients
Patients at a higher risk for developing decay and dental disease include:
- Diabetics
- Smokers
- People with current gum disease
- People who tend to get cavities or build up plaque
- People with a weak immune response to bacterial infection
Dental Financing
Financing is Available for All Services. At Chicago FMR we make sure that all our services are affordable to suit your budget.